WIP Factory's 5th Annual Developer Relations Survey is now available (March 5, 2018) for review and download.
As Developer Relations or DevRel, as a craft and ‘job’ is relatively new, the intent of this survey is for those of us in the craft to share best practices and benchmark our activities; as well as create more awareness across the board for the importance of Developer Relations and its practitioners.
Here are a few Highlights:
Over 50% of respondents are from the USA, 30% overall from Silicon Valley.
65% of companies are from IT/Tech industry.
Telecoms Developer programs waned to 5%, down from a high of 16%.
The sweet spot of a program’s age is 2-4 years old.
15% of program don’t segment their developers
Events and Conferences are the mostly widely used channel to find developers, with Content Marketing increasing in usage. Hackathon participation has waned over the last 3 years.
Developer Programs are worrying less about finding qualified developers and are finding growing challenges in team training and product launches.
You can review the survey here.